The Forty Niners Country Club Estates CC&Rs require any owner planning an EXTERNAL change, addition or new structure, or remodel to their home to first obtain approval from the Forty Niners Independent Architectural Review Agent.
Each request must include:
1) Payment of $125 or $200 - categories listed on submittal form.
2) The Architectural Submittal Form.
3) Drawings of your proposed changes showing all relevant information of your project such as site plan with setbacks, elevations, materials to be used, etc.
Electronic submission of your documents to the Independent Architectural Review Agent is preferred.
We highly recommend you review the CC&R Document in its entirety prior to planning your changes. Pay special attention to property line set-backs, height restrictions and special conditions if your property abuts the golf course.
49ers Country Club Estates Homeowners Association
Forty-Niners Country Club Estates Homeowners Association 8987 E Tanque Verde Rd #309-169 Tucson, AZ 85749
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